Friday, September 11, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Bad Smells On Your Hands

When cutting onions or cleaning fish, our hands can take on the odor and it is difficult to get rid of. No amount of hand soap can remove the smell. It will be worse if you are expecting guests in your home. Imagine having to shake their hands with your smelly ones. Here are some simple techniques that you can use to help you overcome the odor on your hands.

Stainless Steel Items
Gathering from the people with kitchen wisdom, I have discovered that stainless steel utensils have a way in removing smells and odors caused by garlic, onions or even fish. When you wash your hands, just rub them on a stainless steel object while water runs over your hands. 
In some countries, shops carry stainless steel soaps. The so-called 'soap' is just a chunk of stainless steel that shaped like a bar of soap. A stainless steel butter knife or spoon is just as effective. I don't know why stainless steel can remove the smell. Maybe some of the readers with scientific ideas can write and inform me. It may have to do with some chemical reactions so much so that the molecules in the stainless steel reacts with the smell. 

Ground Coffee Beans
Some perfume stores provide ground coffee beans to remove the scents from the hands of the customers, after they have tested the perfume samples. Keep some ground coffee beans in the chiller. You can use them whenever you need to remove some serious odors. Rub your hands with the ground coffee beans and then rinse with soap and water.

Lemons and Limes
After you have squeezed the lemon or lime and use the juice for cooking or drinking, you can still use the skins. There is enough juice left in the skins to make an effective odor remover.  Use the skin to rub over your hands and rinse off. The smell of garlic, onion or fish will be gone.

A tablespoon of table salt can work wonder on your smelly hand. Put a little water or dish washing fluid and work the table salt into a paste. Then use the paste to rub in between your fingers and other parts of the hands. The salt will not only take away the smell but also exfoliate your skins and making your skin softer.

Baking Powder
Put two tablespoons of baking powder into a glass of water and stir. Soak your smelly hands, one by one, for half-a-minute. This simple approach should remove garlic, onion or fish odors.

Tomato Juice
In some countries, people use tomato juice to remove stench caused by skunks. When you do not have other odor-removing items, you may want to try tomato juice.

Hi, if you have any great Household tips and ideas, feel free to write to me at You can also submit your ideas here onsite. Thanks a million and stay kool!

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