Thursday, September 10, 2009

Plan Your Major Cleaning Day

You have to clean and I have to clean. Instead of working ourselves to death, we can clean by bite sizes. Most new homemakers find cleaning the whole house very intimidating. The truth of the matter is that you should have no fear. When you draw up a timetable, suddenly all the chores become manageable.

The key is to allocate one or two tasks a day. Not three or four because that will give you 'work-phobia'. Instead of loving your home, you will start to become afraid of it. A home becomes the source of nasty cleaning experiences.

Here are some of the daily cleaning jobs

1. Toilets and bathrooms- clean the toilet bowls and wipe the bathroom sinks

2. Keep the kitchen clean by wiping the surfaces. Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight. That will be a sure way to attract unwelcome pests such as cockroaches and mice.

3. Sweep non-carpeted areas and keep them free of dust and trash.

Here are some of the weekly cleaning jobs

1. Vacuuming and  dusting are to be done once a week. 

2. You do not need to do all these in one day but spread them out to different days. You may clean the bedrooms on a weekday and the larger living room and dining room on the weekend.


1. Solicit the help of your family members

2. Schedule the cleaning time - specify a duration so that the people who are helping you can plan their day too

3. Make a timetable or work schedule

4. Create job assignments if you have more than one family member to help you

5. Handle one or two projects a day

6. Be sure to prepare all cleaning tools and agents beforehand

7. Check whether the vacuum cleaner is emptied of the previous load of rubbish

Before you go to work in the morning, you can get a few simple cleaning chores done. Then you return home in the evening, you will have a clean home waiting for you. Kool eh?

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